Spreading a message of hope and support.
As a national nonprofit dedicated to supporting people affected by brain tumours and to funding research, it’s imperative for the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada to be the definitive source of online information for all Canadians – in English and French.
To achieve this mission, the foundation’s inherently content-heavy website posed a unique user experience and SEO challenge, as the need for an easy-to-use website was as important as maximizing the foundation’s content to earn top rankings across search engines.
To overcome this challenge, the Rhinos engaged in a comprehensive UX design and technical SEO process that included the development of a custom digital way-finding tool to improve content discovery, while meticulously planning for a smooth launch and link redirect hand-off.

online performance.
Through diligent implementation of a properly structured website with in-depth content and at-launch search optimization, we’ve seen 26% more visitors arrive from organic search over a 12-month period since launch.
That successful execution led to a request from the foundation to manage their micro-sites and redevelop the website for their annual Brain Tumour Walk, a partnership that carries on today.
from organic search
over 12 months